Eisenhower Fellows build bridges of understanding across borders and cultures and work together to better our world.

David Bray
USA 2015
Director, GeoTech Center
and Commission
Henry L. Stimson Center


Changing how AI Impacts the world


As the Executive Director for the bipartisan Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data, Dr. David Bray built bipartisan consensus on several advanced topics, including AI, the future of biology and human health, quantum computing, secure data, trust in the digital economy, resilient supply chains, and more. His work focuses on how data and technology are impacting communities globally. David continues his service to the United States, during times of turbulence and crisis, and receiving numerous distinguished awards for his help in humanitarian and military efforts.

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Xiaoliang Ding
China 1999
Former Executive Vice President
Beijing Gengdan Public Welfare Foundation for Education

Poverty alleviation through educational philanthropy

In 2007, Education Foundation of Dr. Xiaoliang Ding (EFD) was established as an educational charity fund to support impoverished areas of China. Each year, EFD collaborates with local education authorities to identify and support 12 high-achieving high school students facing financial hardships in each of Baise City’s 12 counties. EFD offers financial aid to assist them in completing their secondary education and seeks to inspire them through the process. The fund grows with support from governmental and private sectors, EFD has changed the destiny of 100 high school students in Baise City who were academically outstanding but at risk of dropping out due to family poverty.

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Magaly Blas
Peru 2018
Director, Mama River Program
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University

Maternal and child healthcare


A physician and professor of public health at Peru’s Cayetano Heredia University, Magaly directs the Mama River Program that trains community health advocates working in remote areas along the Amazon River to advance newborn and maternal care. In the program’s first year, Mama River workers brought community education videos and safe birth delivery kits to 799 women of childbearing age in 13 rural communities. Since completing her fellowship, Magaly created a spin-off to her program and worked with the governments of Peru and Colombia to expand the Mama River maternal and child healthcare initiative across the border to Colombia. This successful expansion, Mamás del Río (Mothers of the River) now operates in 38 additional communities along both sides of the border.

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Thiago Alvarez
Brazil 2014
Co-Founder and CEO

Financial transparency and inclusivity


Thiago Alvarez returned from fellowship with the vision and strategic approach to launch open banking in Brazil, by sharing of data, products and services between regulated entities. GuiaBolso pioneered this work under Thiago’s leadership, ensuring customers’ protection, enhancing efficiency in credit and payments markets and promoting a more inclusive and competitive business environment. Open Banking, with over 42 million consumers now utilizing the service has influenced and directly inspired the Brazilian Central Bank to launch the Open Banking initiative. GuiaBolso and Thiago hold a significant role in shaping a more inclusive, competitive, and educated financial future for Brazil.

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Javier Arroyo
Spain 2018

Harnessing Global Math Education

Over a decade ago, Javier Arroyo co-developed Smartick, the adaptive online math program. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, the program tailors education to the individual learning style of each child. Over the course of ten years, Smartick has reached over 1 million students across 100 countries; delivering high-caliber education to marginalized groups, including indigenous populations, children affected by cancer, orphans, and those with disabilities.

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Valerie Cummins
Ireland 2012
Chief Impact Officer
Simply Blue Group

Powering the future with offshore wind


As director of Simply Blue Group, a company dedicated to the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals for oceans and seas, Valerie oversees its growing network of floating offshore wind farms. Currently, two 2.3GW farms are deployed in the North Atlantic around Ireland, with plans to develop more. Over a windfarm’s 25-year life span it is estimated to remove from the atmosphere a volume of carbon dioxide equivalent to the volume removed by 10 million mature trees. Valerie co-chaired Future Earth Coasts, a global community of scientists and intergovernmental agencies driving the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and she is a founding editor of the Coastal Atlas of Ireland, an award-winning celebration of Ireland’s marine spaces.

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Rama Kayyali
Jordan 2017
CEO and Co-Founder
Little Thinking Minds

Digital tools for Arabic Literacy


“Little Thinking Minds” is the brainchild of Rama, who is on a mission to improve Arabic language learning across the Middle East and North Africa by creating engaging literacy tools that use digital content and technology for children ages 4 to 10. The year of Rama’s fellowship her company had 70,000 users. Today, 450,000 students are registered on its platforms.

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Francesca Fedeli
Italy 2014
President and Co-Founder

Improving the lives of stroke survivors


As an activist for the rights of medical patients and people with disabilities, Francesca is president and co-founder with her husband Roberto of FightTheStroke Foundation, a non-profit that develops innovative adaptations for people with cerebral palsy and survivors of stroke. The Foundation, with its patented motor-rehabilitation platform that combines advanced neuroscience and artificial intelligence, was inspired by the life experience of their son, Mario, who suffered a disabling stroke at birth. Starting from an informal Facebook group of families, FightTheStroke has grown to encompass 1,000 families in Italy and is recognized internationally as a great leap forward in “community-led care.”  In 2017, along with Gaslini Hospital in Genova, Francesca’s foundation opened Italy’s first Center for Neonatal and Pediatric Stroke, which served more than 200 children in its first four years.

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Camilo Fonseca Velásquez
Colombia 2019
Macro Sector Director of Creative, Cultural and Graphic Industries 
Bogotá Chamber of Commerce

Peace and prosperity through social entrepreneurship


Co-recipients Mariana Villamizar and Camilo Fonseca Velásquez work to identify, inspire, connect and strengthen social entrepreneurship and peace-building opportunities in Colombia. Camilo serves as the Macro Sector Director of Creative, Cultural and Graphic Industries for the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. Mariana heads government affairs for Grupo Éxito, a department store/grocery chain with more than 2,600 stores in South America and early supporting partner of RECON. In 2014 Camilo co-founded RECON, an online platform for peace initiatives and social innovation. In strengthening sustainable development and investing in education, through poverty and inequality reduction, environmental protections and peacebuilding, their project has positively touched the lives of more than 500,000 Colombians.

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Mariana Villamizar
Colombia 2014
Director, Public and Corporate Relations
Grupo Éxito

Peace and prosperity through social entrepreneurship


Co-recipients Mariana Villamizar and Camilo Fonseca Velásquez work to identify, inspire, connect and strengthen social entrepreneurship and peace-building opportunities in Colombia. Camilo serves as the Macro Sector Director of Creative, Cultural and Graphic Industries for the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. Mariana heads government affairs for Grupo Éxito, a department store/grocery chain with more than 2,600 stores in South America and early supporting partner of RECON. In 2014 Camilo co-founded RECON, an online platform for peace initiatives and social innovation. In strengthening sustainable development and investing in education, through poverty and inequality reduction, environmental protections and peacebuilding, their project has positively touched the lives of more than 500,000 Colombians.

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Raul Gauto
Paraguay 1989
Forestal Sylvis

Protecting the environment and creating opportunities


Raul returned to Paraguay from his fellowship with the new understanding that protecting the environment means protecting the people around it. Applying that knowledge, he helped create the 150,000-acre Mbaracayu Reserve, established a school for girls from the region’s poorest families and advanced  the Fundacion Avina mission to educate Latin American leaders about sustainable development. In 2010 he founded Forestal Sylvis, a corporation that seeks to reduce climate change by planting commercial forests. This has resulted in a better quality of life for 4,000 families around Mbaracayu, producing over 600 graduates of the all-girls school there, supporting 250 farmers and their families with a new yerba mate factory and removing an estimated 27 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

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Emma Miloyo
Kenya 2015
Design Source

Holistic community development


As Chairperson of the Board, Emma Miloyo leads the Kilimani Project Foundation, a community-based organization empowering Kilimani residents in Nairobi Kenya. The Foundation’s seek environmental conservation, youth empowerment, neighborhood safety, sustainable urban planning and local business development. Through various initiatives, the organization, to date, has collected 9,000 kgs of waste for recycling, planted 3,400 and tangibly reduced local crime. The Kilimani Foundation invests in the leadership and mental health of residents, promotes sustainable, healthier living environments and commits to the community’s holistic well-being.

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Carlito Guansing Galvez
Philippines 2006
Armed Forces of the Philippines

Fighting COVID-19 and promoting peace in the Philippines


As a career military man, Carlito has battled Islamic State-affiliated separatists, advised the Philippines’ president on peace negotiations, designed the army’s relief effort after Typhoon Ondoy and led the country’s task force on COVID-19. Of note in his majority-Christian country is his role negotiating peace on the impoverished southern island of Mindanao, where Muslims had waged an armed struggle for self-determination since 1968, resulting in more than 150,000 deaths. Under a power-sharing agreement negotiated in 2014, the Philippines government and the Moro Island Liberation Front agreed to cease fighting, leading five years later to the creation of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

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Sangita Jindal
India 2004
Jindal South West Foundation

Philanthropy that transforms lives


A philanthropist committed to the transformative power of art, Sangita founded the Jindal Southwest Foundation (JSW) in 1988.  She oversees its social-development projects in the areas of education, health and nutrition, environmental management and heritage preservation, with a focus on empowering rural communities. Various foundation projects have reached more than one million people in 1,000 villages across 14 Indian states. Sangita also publishes Art India magazine, an internationally circulated platform for discussion of contemporary Indian art, and established the Earth Care Awards to incentivize exemplary stewardship of business initiatives that affect climate change.

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Gustavo Almedia
Brazil 2019
Chief Operating Officer
Invest Minas

Investing in clean energy


The Sol de Minas initiative, a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors, aims to catalyze investments in renewable energy, particularly solar power, and accelerate the shift towards a low-carbon economy in Minas Gerais, Brazil’s second-most populous state with 21 million residents. Three Eisenhower Fellows, affiliated with Invest Minas, the state’s investment promotion agency, lead this effort Gustavo Almeida, Invest Minas’ current COO, Thiago Toscano (2015), former CEO of Invest Minas and current President of CODEMGE and João Paulo Braga (2022), Invest Minas’ current CEO. To date, 37 new solar or hybrid energy projects have been installed in Minas Gerais, with investments totaling $ 8.4 billion, allowing it to become the first state in Brazil to achieve 7 gigawatts of installed solar energy capacity.

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Ted Levinson
USA 2014
CEO and Founder
Beneficial Returns

Impact investments that better the world


After his EF journey took him to India and Indonesia, where he met social entrepreneurs and impact investors, Ted found his life’s calling: Unlocking foundation capital and donor-advised funds so that the world’s leading social entrepreneurs can tackle big challenges with market-based solutions. The firm he founded, Beneficial Returns, had loaned more than $9 million to social enterprises in the developing world; by 2023, is has loaned over $6 million. In Baja California, Beneficial Returns loans have financed solar-powered freezers for remote fishing villages. In India they provided emergency credit to a mobile health clinic at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Cameroon they provided capital for small farms to increase their yields while connecting them to major buyers willing to pay a premium for the crops.

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Nuru Mugambi
Kenya 2016
Former Director
Kenya Bankers Association

Green-bonds and women’s empowerment


As director of the Kenya Bankers Association, Nuru designed the country’s first green-bond program to support small-and-medium-sized businesses. To date the program has distributed $45 million in microloans to more than 7,000 small to medium-sized businesses. She is a strong advocate of environmentally conscious investing and women’s economic empowerment. Established in 2020 the annual Angaza Awards, a program to showcase the role of African women in the continent’s financial affairs. Angaza in Swahili means “to “enlighten,” and has since expanded from an East Africa Award to a to a two-day Angaza Forum and Pan African Award with 50 honorees so far from 17 countries.

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Oyungerel Tsedevdamba
Mongolia 2011
Local Solutions Foundation, NGO

Breaking taboos and progressing latrines


On fellowship, Oyungerel investigated water management and quality solutions. Upon return in 2017, she launched a project to introduce indoor dry toilets in low-income areas of Mongolia. Executed through a non-profit, Local Solutions, which she founded in 2007, the educational and product development parts involve breaking taboos about toilets, changing outdoor pit latrines into indoor dry toilets and power off-grid, low income ‘Ger Area’ communities by changing their toilets.  Due to Oyungerel’s efforts, the social stigma against the word “jorlon” (toilet in Mongolian) has disappeared in three years. Over 1000 people now have indoor dry toilets, and each progressive dry toilet saves 500 liters of water a day for a family of 5.

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Saliya Pieris
Sri Lanka 2012
President’s Counsel/ Chairman Law Chambers/ Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka

Defending the freedoms of assembly and expression in Sri Lanka


As the immediate past president of the 18,000-member Bar Association of Sri Lanka, Sailya promotes freedom of expression, association and assembly in a country that in 2022 was roiled by protests against the near-bankrupt government for mismanaging the economy. After demonstrations and mass arrests, lawyers led by Saliya’s example stepped up to defend the protesters against arbitrary detentions and the use of excessive force. Citing his “dynamic leadership in the nation’s time of strife,” LMD, Sri Lanka’s leading business magazine, chose Saliya as 2022’s “Sri Lankan of the Year.”

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Christopher Nowinski 
USA 2011
Chief Executive Officer
Center for the Study of
Traumatic Encephalopathy
Boston University

Combatting the global concussion crisis


A former defensive tackle at Harvard and World Wrestling Entertainment superstar, Chris co-founded the non-profit Concussion Legacy Foundation, a brain-injury research and prevention group that grew out of his work as CEO of Boston University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Forced to retire from wrestling at 24 due to post-concussion syndrome, he went on to write Head Games: The Global Concussion Crisis. On a mission to bring worldwide attention to CTE, he convinced the National Institutes of Health to recognize that CTE can be caused by repetitive head impacts. His advocacy led to the soccer practice of heading the ball being banned in the U.S. for players under 11 and a global campaign called “Stop Hitting Kids in the Head” to reform youth sports by eliminating all repetitive head impacts for children under 14. He recently launched the Concussion Legacy Foundation Global Brain Bank, collaborating with scientists in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, the U.K. and Canada to study CTE in athletes.

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Ellisha Othman
Malaysia 2020
Managing Director / Clinical Psychologist
Thrive Well Sdn Bhd

Trauma-informed care for Malaysians


Ellisha established the nonprofit SOLS Health with the goal of destigmatizing Malaysia’s overburdened and under-resourced mental health care system, focusing on middle-class clients who were ineligible for government-funded services for the indigent. On fellowship she transitioned SOLS into Thrive Well, with the goal of improving existing mental health services by championing “trauma-informed care” and awareness of the importance of adverse childhood experiences. In addition to training clinical psychologists in new approaches, Thrive Well provides approximately 7,000 hours of therapy to about 200 clients per month and hosts a monthly radio program that educates the public on vital aspects of mental health.

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Alfonso Vegara Gomez
Spain 1987
Founder and President
Fundación Metrópoli

Urban transformation for the 21st century


Alfonso Vegara Gomez returned from fellowship to found the Metropoli Foundation in 1997. This Foundation started with the project PROYECTO CITIES, identifying 20 cities from 5 continents as a global research laboratory to study the key factors of success of the cities. Leveraging public and private sectors, Metropoli contributes to the innovative transformation of cities and regions to cope with the global competitive and uncertain environment of the 21st century. For 25 years, Metropoli Foundation and Proyecto Cities initative have collaborated with Eisenhower Fellows around the world, having a visible impact in urban transformation an improving quality of life in cities of our generation.

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Kathy Richardson
Australia 2014
Executive Director
Our Community

Artists and performing arts festivals


Shona and Kathy combine performing arts with a novel assessment tool to assess the professional value of performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, billed as the world’s largest performing-arts event. Shona leads the charity behind the festival and Kathy leads Our Community, the social enterprise behind Outcomes Engine, the tool the pair uses to assess the career value of performing at Edinburgh Fringe, where the artists provide the production costs and bear the risks. Conceived in 1947 to heal the spirit of war-ravaged Europe, the annual August festival presents more than 50,000 performances by artists from 56 countries. The Outcomes Engine will help determine the value of participating by surveying the artists on the economic, cultural, social and psychological impacts they encounter, tracking such variables as career progression, income, news coverage and reviews.

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Shona McCarthy
Northern Ireland 2014
Chief Executive
Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Artists and performing arts festivals


Shona and Kathy combine performing arts with a novel assessment tool to assess the professional value of performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, billed as the world’s largest performing-arts event. Shona leads the charity behind the festival and Kathy leads Our Community, the social enterprise behind Outcomes Engine, the tool the pair uses to assess the career value of performing at Edinburgh Fringe, where the artists provide the production costs and bear the risks. Conceived in 1947 to heal the spirit of war-ravaged Europe, the annual August festival presents more than 50,000 performances by artists from 56 countries. The Outcomes Engine will help determine the value of participating by surveying the artists on the economic, cultural, social and psychological impacts they encounter, tracking such variables as career progression, income, news coverage and reviews.

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William Wayne Warren
USA 2006
Farm Owner/Manager
Warren Farms Inc./Warren Orchards

Protecting rivers for endangered species


Co-sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, William Wayne Warren participated as a landowner to engineer and protect the Touchet River in Washington. The project involved managing the 100-year floodplain so the river could meander and have proper degradation and aggregation points essential for spawning threatened and endangered fish species. It took 3 years to implement in phases over a total of 3.1 river miles to allow the river corridor to become at least 3 times wider and to distribute energy and to provide a short-term and long-term habitat. Over 20 acres were also placed into conservation easement in perpetuity with Blue Mountain Land Trust and is protected from all agricultural purposes and future development.

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Nathan Sivagananathan
Sri Lanka 2015
Co-Founder and Director

Walks to battle cancer


Since opening its doors in 2014, the Tellippalai Trail Cancer Hospital in rural northern Sri Lanka has treated more than 250,000 people. The first of its kind in the previously war-torn northern region of the island nation, the hospital was the brainchild of Nathan. He wanted to help patients battling cancer in Sri Lanka and to heal the country after its decades-long civil war. Through his organization, Trail, he led two cross-country fundraising walks, raising millions of dollars. The first was in 2011 to build the Tellippalai Trail Cancer Hospital in the north, and the second was in 2016 for the Karapitiya Trail Cancer Hospital, for which construction is underway.

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Vishal Talreja
India 2013
Co-Founder and Trustee
Dream a Dream

A 21st century dream for 1.5 million students


In India, a country of 260 million school-age children, Dream a Dream, the nonprofit co-founded by Vishal in 1999, has been transforming the educational ecosystem through its programming, curriculum development, pedagogical innovations and holistic assessments. With strategic partnerships in Bangalore and six Indian states, Dream a Dream has provided social-emotional learning and life-skills training for more than 3 million children. Its central mission: Rethink the purpose of education in the 21st century and offset the negative influence of adverse childhood experiences.

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Samuel Thenya
Kenya 2008
Founder and Director of Strategy
Nairobi Women’s Hospital

Innovative healthcare in Kenya


As chief executive officer of the Nairobi Women’s Hospital Group, its affiliated Hospital College and Gender Violence Recovery Centre, Samuel’s work was severely challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic. To accommodate patients who feared infection if they entered a hospital, his staff of 1,300 physicians, nurses and assistants became one of the first in the country to make wide use of telemedicine and home delivery of medicines. To invest in future generations of healthcare professionals, the Hospital is in the process of expanding the college from a student population of 1,500 to 10,000 in the next 5 years with plans to acquire a 20-acre state of the art campus.

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Shridhar Venkat
India 2014
Chief Executive Officer
Akshaya Patra Foundation

4 billion meal milestone


As chief executive of the 23-year-old Akshaya Patra Foundation, Shridhar runs the world’s largest, non-governmental school lunch program, feeding 2.2 million Indian children every day. Spread across 10 Indian states, the program is credited with decreasing malnutrition and incentivizing attendance at some 11,000 schools. Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, Shridhar leveraged his company’s resources to ensure that the most affected groups were not deprived of food. In April 2024, Akshaya Patra reached the milestone of cumulatively serving 4 billion meals to people in need since inception, a momentous occasion which was commemorated at the UN Headquarters in New York.

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Eisenhower Fellowships

2024 Annual Meeting

PHILADELPHIA | MAY 14-15, 2024

Eisenhower Fellowships welcomed nearly 380 attendees from 28 countries for two days of
extraordinary events to mark its 2024 Annual Meeting on May 14 and 15 in Philadelphia. 

Eisenhower Fellowships

2024 Annual Meeting

PHILADELPHIA | MAY 14-15, 2024

Eisenhower Fellowships welcomed nearly 380 attendees from 28 countries for two days of
extraordinary events to mark its 2024 Annual Meeting on May 14 and 15 in Philadelphia. 


Eisenhower Fellows build bridges of understanding across borders and cultures and work together to better our world.

Fatimah Alhamlan
Saudi Arabia, 2018
Clinical Scientist & Associate Professor
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center

Women’s health in Saudi Arabia

As a clinical scientist at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Fatimah saw women arrive at the hospital with late-stage cervical cancer and minimal chances of survival. She became an advocate for a national HPV vaccination program for girls and early screening for all Saudi women, founding the nonprofit Rofaida Women’s Health Organization to draw attention to women’s medical issues beyond the standard focus on reproductive health. Last year, the Ministry of Health implemented her recommendation to launch an HPV vaccination program in Saudi schools.

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Jocelle Batapa-Sigue
Philippines, 2012

Deputy Minister
Government of Philippines – DICT


Combatting human trafficking


As a deputy minister and digital policy consultant for a national senator, Jocelle is a vocal advocate for rural Filipinos. She is chair of the board of the Voice of the Free Foundation, which helps provide provides legal and psychosocial services, shelter, and job-readiness training for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, forced labor and child abuse. Jocelle created ATLAS, the Anti Trafficking Legal Advocates Society, to help train more than 300 local community leaders, prosecutors and judges about the country’s laws against human trafficking.

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Magaly Blas
Peru, 2018
Mama River Program
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University


Maternal and child healthcare in Peru and Colombia


A physician and professor of public health at Peru’s Cayetano Heredia University, Magaly directs the Mama River Program that trains community health advocates working in remote areas along the Amazon River to advance newborn and maternal care. In the program’s first year, Mama River workers brought community education videos and safe birth delivery kits to 799 women of childbearing age in 13 rural communities. Since completing her fellowship, Magaly has created a spin-off to her program and worked with the governments of Peru and Colombia to expand the Mama River maternal and child healthcare initiative across the border to Colombia.

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Braimah Sulemana
Ghana, 2019

Executive Director
Media Foundation
for West Africa


The Fourth Estate

Regional independent journalism startup

Braimah, executive director of the nonprofit Media Foundation for West Africa based in Accra, expanded its mandate by creating “The Fourth Estate,” a center of excellence to mentor future generations of investigative journalists and strengthen government accountability. In two short years, the journalists he recruited have prompted government investigations, compelled judges and politicians to comply with ethics laws, exposed a scandal in fraudulent Covid travel certificates and put officials on notice that their actions are being closely scrutinized.

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Valerie Cummins
Ireland, 2012 

Simply Blue Group


Powering the future with offshore wind


As director of Simply Blue Group, a company dedicated to the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals for oceans and seas, Valerie oversees its growing network of floating offshore wind farms. Currently, two 2.3GW farms are deployed in the North Atlantic around Ireland, with plans to develop more. Over a windfarm’s 25-year life span it is estimated to remove from the atmosphere a volume of carbon dioxide equivalent to the volume removed by 10 million mature trees. Valerie co-chaired Future Earth Coasts, a global community of scientists and intergovernmental agencies driving the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, and she is a founding editor of the Coastal Atlas of Ireland, an award-winning celebration of Ireland’s marine spaces.

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Rama Kayyali
Jordan, 2017

CEO and Co-Founder
Little Thinking Minds


Digital tools for Arabic literacy


“Little Thinking Minds” is the brainchild of Rama, who is on a mission to improve Arabic language learning across the Middle East and North Africa by creating engaging literacy tools that use digital content and technology for children ages 4 to 10. The year of Rama’s fellowship her company had 70,000 users. Today, 450,000 students are registered on its platforms.


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Francesca Fedeli
Italy, 2014

President & Co-Founder


Improving the lives of stroke survivors


As an activist for the rights of medical patients and people with disabilities, Francesca is president and co-founder with her husband Roberto of FightTheStroke Foundation, a non-profit that develops innovative adaptations for people with cerebral palsy and survivors of stroke. The Foundation, with its patented motor-rehabilitation platform that combines advanced neuroscience and artificial intelligence, was inspired by the life experience of their son, Mario, who suffered a disabling stroke at birth. Starting from an informal Facebook group of families, FightTheStroke has grown to encompass 1,000 families in Italy and is recognized internationally as a great leap forward in “community-led care.”  In 2017, along with Gaslini Hospital in Genova, Francesca’s foundation opened Italy’s first Center for Neonatal and Pediatric Stroke, which served more than 200 children in its first four years.

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Camilo Fonseca Velásquez
Colombia, 2019

Advisor for Congress, Government and Public Policy
National Private Company Supervisor (PCS)


Peace and prosperity through social entrepreneurship – together with Mariana Villamizar, Colombia 2014


Mariana heads government affairs for Grupo Exito, a department store/grocery chain with more than 2,600 stores in South America. Camilo advised Colombia’s federal government on regulations related to small- and medium- sized companies. In 2014 he co-founded RECON, an online platform for peace initiatives and social innovation. Together they work to identify, inspire, connect and strengthen social entrepreneurship and peace-building opportunities in a country dealing with the consequences of the long-running war between the government, crime syndicates, Far-Left guerillas and Far-Right paramilitary groups.

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Mariana Villamizar
Colombia, 2014
Director, Public and Corporate Relations
Grupo Exito


Peace and prosperity through social entrepreneurship – together with Camilo Fonseca Velásquez, Colombia 2019


Mariana heads government affairs for Grupo Exito, a department store/grocery chain with more than 2,600 stores in South America. Camilo advised Colombia’s federal government on regulations related to small- and medium- sized companies. In 2014 he co-founded RECON, an online platform for peace initiatives and social innovation. Together they work to identify, inspire, connect and strengthen social entrepreneurship and peace-building opportunities in a country dealing with the consequences of the long-running war between the government, crime syndicates, Far-Left guerillas and Far-Right paramilitary groups.


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Raul Gauto
Paraguay, 1989

Forestal Sylvis


Protecting the environment and creating opportunities


Raul returned to Paraguay from his fellowship with the new understanding that protecting the environment means protecting the people around it. Applying that knowledge, he helped create the 150,000-acre Mbaracayu Reserve, established a school for girls from the region’s poorest families and advanced  the Fundacion Avina mission to educate Latin American leaders about sustainable development. In 2010 he founded Forestal Sylvis, a corporation that seeks to reduce climate change by planting commercial forests. This has resulted in a better quality of life for 4,000 families around Mbaracayu, producing 450 graduates of the all-girls school there, supporting 200 farmers and their families with a new yerba mate factory and removing an estimated 27 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.


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Sumayya Hassan
Kenya, 2014

Takaful Insurance of Africa Ltd


Innovative insurance for vulnerable Kenyans


An Arabic word that means “to guarantee each other,” Takaful inspired branded insurance that offers risk-management, savings and investment solutions that adhere to Islamic religious restrictions on interest, gambling and uncertainty. As the first female CEO of Takaful Insurance of Africa, Sumayya’s clients include many livestock farmers, whose hardships, driven by accelerating climate change, include soaring temperatures, lack of water for their herds and droughts that destroy grazing grasslands. Pioneering a unique insurance product that makes use of satellite imagery, Sumayya oversees a program that compensates shepherds before drought-induced losses occur, thereby providing them with the money they need to purchase alternative fodder and water.

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Carlito Guansing Galvez
Philippines, 2006
Armed Forces of the Philippines


Fighting COVID-19 and promoting peace in the Philippines


As a career military man, Carlito has battled Islamic State-affiliated separatists, advised the Philippines’ president on peace negotiations, designed the army’s relief effort after Typhoon Ondoy and led the country’s task force on COVID-19. Of note in his majority-Christian country is his role negotiating peace on the impoverished southern island of Mindanao, where Muslims had waged an armed struggle for self-determination since 1968, resulting in more than 150,000 deaths. Under a power-sharing agreement negotiated in 2014, the Philippines government and the Moro Island Liberation Front agreed to cease fighting, leading five years later to the creation of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

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Sangita Jindal
India, 2004

Jindal South West Foundation


Philanthropy that transforms lives


A philanthropist committed to the transformative power of art, Sangita founded the Jindal Southwest Foundation (JSW) in 1988.  She oversees its social-development projects in the areas of education, health and nutrition, environmental management and heritage preservation, with a focus on empowering rural communities. Various foundation projects have reached more than one million people in 1,000 villages across 14 Indian states. Sangita also publishes Art India magazine, an internationally circulated platform for discussion of contemporary Indian art, and established the Earth Care Awards to incentivize exemplary stewardship of business initiatives that affect climate change.

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Marcelo Knobel
Brazil, 2007



Popularizing science in Brazil


A former president of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas and recipient of Brazil’s top prize for promoting understanding of scientific breakthroughs, Marcelo advances that work through books and articles he has written, and a popular YouTube channel called “Reciprocal Space.” He established the university’s first museum of exploratory science, was president of an affiliated foundation for innovation and entrepreneurship, devised a quota system for underrepresented Black and mixed-race Brazilians and initiated other programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion at the university’s Sao Paulo campus.


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Ted Levinson
United States, 2014

Beneficial Returns


Impact investments that better the world


After his EF journey took him to India and Indonesia, where he met social entrepreneurs and impact investors, Ted found his life’s calling: Unlocking foundation capital and donor-advised funds so that the world’s leading social entrepreneurs can tackle big challenges with market-based solutions. To date the firm he founded, Beneficial Returns, has loaned more than $9 million to social enterprises in the developing world, with the expectation of loaning $4 million more in 2023. In Baja California, Beneficial Returns loans have financed solar-powered freezers for remote fishing villages. In India they provided emergency credit to a mobile health clinic at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Cameroon they provided capital for small farms to increase their yields while connecting them to major buyers willing to pay a premium for the crops.

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Nuru Mugambi
Kenya, 2016

Former Director
Kenya Bankers Association


Green-bonds and women’s empowerment


As director of the Kenya Bankers Association, Nuru designed the country’s first green-bond program to support small-and-medium-sized businesses. To date the program has distributed $21 million in microloans to more than 48,000 entrepreneurs. She is a strong advocate of environmentally conscious investing and women’s economic empowerment. In 2020, she started the annual Angaza Awards, a program to showcase the role of African women in the continent’s financial affairs. Angaza in Swahili means “to “enlighten,” and each year the awards go to 10 women chosen for their significant contributions.

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Sbusisiwe Myeni
South Africa, 2016

Chief Executive
Imbeleko Foundation


Education for rural communities in South Africa


Sbusisiwe created the Imbeleko Foundation to honor her late sister, providing holistic education and social support for orphaned and vulnerable children in the Valley of a Thousand Hills between Pietermaritzburg and Durban. Each year hundreds of children benefit from its sports, cultural and after-school programs. In 2021, Imbeleko added its Digital Academy, based on programming Sbusiswe learned about on her fellowship visits in the U.S. with Girls and Boys Clubs. The Academy annually hosts 250 children in person and uses its digital curriculum to remotely reach an additional 2,000 students in 15 rural communities.

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Saliya Pieris
Sri Lanka 2012

President’s Counsel/ Chairman Law Chambers/ Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka


Defending the freedoms of assembly and expression in Sri Lanka


As president of the 18,000-member Bar Association of Sri Lanka, Sailya promotes freedom of expression, association and assembly in a country that in 2022 was roiled by protests against the near-bankrupt government for mismanaging the economy. After demonstrations and mass arrests, lawyers led by Saliya’s example stepped up to defend the protesters against arbitrary detentions and the use of excessive force. Citing his “dynamic leadership in the nation’s time of strife,” LMD, Sri Lanka’s leading business magazine, chose Saliya as 2022’s “Sri Lankan of the Year.”

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Christopher Nowinski
United States, 2011

Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy
Boston University


Combatting the global concussion crisis


A former defensive tackle at Harvard and World Wrestling Entertainment superstar, Chris co-founded the non-profit Concussion Legacy Foundation, a brain-injury research and prevention group that grew out of his work as CEO of Boston University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Forced to retire from wrestling at 24 due to post-concussion syndrome, he went on to write Head Games: The Global Concussion Crisis. On a mission to bring worldwide attention to CTE, he convinced the National Institutes of Health to recognize that CTE can be caused by repetitive head impacts. His advocacy led to the soccer practice of heading the ball being banned in the U.S. for players under 11 and a global campaign called “Stop Hitting Kids in the Head” to reform youth sports by eliminating all repetitive head impacts for children under 14. He recently launched the Concussion Legacy Foundation Global Brain Bank, collaborating with scientists in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, the U.K. and Canada to study CTE in athletes.

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Ellisha Othman
Malaysia, 2020

Managing Director / Clinical Psychologist
Thrive Well Sdn Bhd


Trauma-informed care for Malaysians


Ellisha established the nonprofit SOLS Health with the goal of destigmatizing Malaysia’s overburdened and under-resourced mental health care system, focusing on middle-class clients who were ineligible for government-funded services for the indigent. On fellowship she transitioned SOLS into Thrive Well, with the goal of improving existing mental health services by championing “trauma-informed care” and awareness of the importance of adverse childhood experiences. In addition to training clinical psychologists in new approaches, Thrive Well provides approximately 7,000 hours of therapy to about 200 clients per month and hosts a monthly radio program that educates the public on vital aspects of mental health.



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Sanjay Podder
India, 2017

Managing Director and Global Lead – Technology, Sustainability and Innovation


Greening software to combat climate change

As a director of the global IT company Accenture, Sanjay leads its sustainability and innovation division. In a world where technology is embedded in every aspect of our daily lives, we are generating ever more data, consuming ever more power and increasing the carbon emissions that accelerate global warming. In response, Accenture has adopted “green software” designed to limit energy consumption. In 2021, along with leaders at Microsoft, Github and Thoughtworks, Sanjay co-founded the Green Software Foundation (GSF) to reduce greenhouse emissions by 45 percent by 2030. In June 2022, a 14-country summit organized by Sanjay’s team spread the word about green software to more than 3,850 attendees. At the U.N.’s Climate Change Conference in Cairo in 2022, GSF presented a scale that calculates the carbon intensity of various software applications. One hundred thousand Accenture employees have been trained to use it. Sanjay wants to train at least one million practitioners worldwide.      


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Onno Widodo Purbo
Indonesia, 2002

Information Technologist Independent Contractor


Internet access for Indonesians


With a passion to democratize Internet access, Onno, who is often described as “Indonesia’s Internet liberator,” has been bringing online capacity to rural Indonesia for more than two decades, using low-cost, parabolic antennae made from repurposed woks and other technologies to amplify Wi-Fi signals. In 2020, he received the Internet Society’s Jonathan B. Postel Service Award. Onno has been instrumental in bringing voice-over-Internet protocol telephone service to Indonesia and sparking the growth of its burgeoning network of Internet cafes. With the help of his wife Lina, Onno hosts an annual two-day workshop that teaches computer skills to more than 200 students a year.

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Kathy Richardson
Australia, 2014
Executive Director

Our Community

Artists and performing arts festivals – together with Shona McCarthy, Northern Ireland 2014

Shona and Kathy combine performing arts with a novel assessment tool to assess the professional value of performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, billed as the world’s largest performing-arts event. Shona leads the charity behind the festival and Kathy leads Our Community, the social enterprise behind Outcomes Engine, the tool the pair uses to assess the career value of performing at Edinburgh Fringe, where the artists provide the production costs and bear the risks. Conceived in 1947 to heal the spirit of war-ravaged Europe, the annual August festival presents more than 50,000 performances by artists from 56 countries. The Outcomes Engine will help determine the value of participating by surveying the artists on the economic, cultural, social and psychological impacts they encounter, tracking such variables as career progression, income, news coverage and reviews.

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Shona McCarthy
Northern Ireland, 2014
Chief Executive
Edinburgh Fringe Festival


Artists and performing arts festivals – together with Kathy Richardson, Australia 2014


Shona and Kathy combine performing arts with a novel assessment tool to assess the professional value of performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, billed as the world’s largest performing-arts event. Shona leads the charity behind the festival and Kathy leads Our Community, the social enterprise behind Outcomes Engine, the tool the pair uses to assess the career value of performing at Edinburgh Fringe, where the artists provide the production costs and bear the risks. Conceived in 1947 to heal the spirit of war-ravaged Europe, the annual August festival presents more than 50,000 performances by artists from 56 countries. The Outcomes Engine will help determine the value of participating by surveying the artists on the economic, cultural, social and psychological impacts they encounter, tracking such variables as career progression, income, news coverage and reviews.

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Uday Salunkhe
India, 2012

Group Director
WeSchool: Prin L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research


World class business education in India


Uday leads the Welingkar Institute of Management, Development and Research, one of India’s top business schools, known colloquially as “WeSchool.” The institution has held annual research conferences on the future of work and growth strategies for entrepreneurs in a post-pandemic world. In a country defined by islands of prosperity in a sea of poverty, WeSchool students are encouraged to combine entrepreneurship and social responsibility. A 2019 WeSchool-Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay) joint venture to develop a delivery system for self-administered contraceptive injections was awarded funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2014, Uday received the Grand Davos Award of the World Communication Forum for his “lifelong dedication to the field of business communication.”


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Nathan Sivagananathan
Sri Lanka, 2015

Co-founder and Director


Walks to battle cancer


Since opening its doors in 2014, the Tellippalai Trail Cancer Hospital in rural northern Sri Lanka has treated more than 250,000 people. The first of its kind in the previously war-torn northern region of the island nation, the hospital was the brainchild of Nathan. He wanted to help patients battling cancer in Sri Lanka and to heal the country after its decades-long civil war. Through his organization, Trail, he led two cross-country fundraising walks, raising millions of dollars. The first was in 2011 to build the Tellippalai Trail Cancer Hospital in the north, and the second was in 2016 for a cancer hospital in the South, scheduled for completion in 2023.

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Vishal Talreja
India 2013

Cofounder & Trustee
Dream a Dream


A 21st  century education for 1.5 million students


In India, a country of 260 million school-age children, Dream a Dream, the nonprofit co-founded by Vishal in 1999, has been transforming the educational ecosystem through its programming, curriculum development, pedagogical innovations and holistic assessments. With strategic partnerships in six Indian states, Dream a Dream has provided social-emotional learning and life-skills training for more than 1.5 million children. Its central mission: Rethink the purpose of education in the 21st century and offset the negative influence of adverse childhood experiences.

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Samuel Thenya
Kenya, 2008

Founder and Director of Strategy
Nairobi Women’s Hospital


Innovative healthcare in Kenya


As chief executive officer of the Nairobi Women’s Hospital Group, its affiliated Hospital College and Gender Violence Recovery Centre, Samuel’s work was severely challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic. To accommodate patients who feared infection if they entered a hospital, his staff of 1,300 physicians, nurses and assistants became one of the first in the country to make wide use of telemedicine and home delivery of medicines. To date the group has treated more than 3,000 patients with COVID and administered 30,000 rapid antigen and PCR (polymerase-chain-reaction) tests.


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Shridhar Venkat
India, 2014

Chief Executive Officer Akshaya Patra Foundation


244 million meals during COVID-19


As chief executive of the 23-year-old Akshaya Patra Foundation, Shridhar runs the world’s largest, non-governmental school lunch program, feeding 1.4 million Indian children every day. Spread across 10 Indian states, the program is credited with decreasing malnutrition and incentivizing attendance at some 11,000 schools. Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, Shridhar leveraged his company’s resources to ensure that the most affected groups were not deprived of food. He retooled his foundation’s 22 kitchens and makeshift facilities to provide 244 million meals to people in need and distributed 1.6 million “essential grocery kits” and 229,000 “family happiness kits,” which, along with the rations, included activity books, toiletries and sanitary pads.


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Eisenhower Fellowships

World Forum

San Francisco | October 12-14, 2023

Leaders Confronting Global Challenges: What Works?

From our president

Dear Eisenhower Fellows and friends,

To underscore our commitment to engaging diverse, dynamic leaders in direct dialogue to drive positive impact in the world, Eisenhower Fellowships is proud to share with you our first public, data-driven report on the impact of our programs.

EF Impact 2022-2023 is based on two independent
external impact evaluations of Eisenhower Fellowships programs over the last four years and extensive internal surveys of all international and USA Fellows from 2016-2021. The resulting data was compiled independently by SocialSphere, a leading market research firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

We publish this report to mark the 130th anniversary of the birth of our namesake, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the new EF Day of Impact celebrated by Eisenhower Fellows around the world each October 14.

From everyone at Eisenhower Fellowships, we extend our profound gratitude to all our Fellows, supporters and friends for your leadership and your commitment to advancing our mission of enhancing international understanding to create a world more peaceful, prosperous and just.

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George de Lama


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