Fellowship Experience
Given the opportunity to disengage for several weeks from their day-to-day professional demands, Eisenhower Fellows broaden their horizons, stretch beyond their comfort zones, expand their professional networks and sharpen their skills to help them become more impactful leaders when they return home.
After several weeks of introductory virtual sessions with EF staff from a Fellow’s home city, an intensive, interactive Opening Seminar in Philadelphia launches each fellowship. Fellows take time to know one another, share deeply about their lives and work and forge powerful personal bonds that last a lifetime. They engage in conversations of substance with prominent journalists, policy experts and other thought leaders from the worlds of government, business, civil society and the arts, then fan out across the country on their individualized fellowship travels.
After the first few weeks of their independent travel, Fellows gather for a long weekend at the Grand Canyon or another thought-inspiring locale in the American West to enjoy a much-needed break, touch base with each other and engage in a reflective retreat. Later, at the end of their travels, Fellows gather again in Philadelphia for their Closing Seminar. Here they share insights they have gained about the meaning of their fellowships, prepare their final reports about their travels and the shaping of their required projects and present their plans for implementing these concrete projects and maximizing their impact once they return home.
Throughout the fellowship program, EF’s distinguished Trustees, supporters and our network of more than 350 USA Eisenhower Fellows, provide International Fellows with opportunities to engage in substantive dialogue and advance their fellowship goals.