USA Justice Program

Since 1953, Eisenhower Fellowships has connected and empowered exceptional leaders of all races, nations, religions and political beliefs in a common mission to enhance understanding through direct dialogue to build a world more peaceful, prosperous and just.

The Eisenhower Fellowships USA Justice Program is a world-class fellowship program that advances the legacy of our namesake, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who sent the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 to protect African-American students and ensure they could exercise their Constitutional right to attend a segregated, all-white high school.

Since 1953, Eisenhower Fellowships has connected and empowered exceptional leaders of all races, nations, religions and political beliefs in a common mission to enhance understanding through direct dialogue to build a world more peaceful, prosperous and just.

Reflecting President Eisenhower’s vision and the distinguished history of this non-partisan, nonprofit organization that bears his name, the USA Justice Program sends ascendant American leaders on a transformative, personalized professional experience abroad to broaden their perspectives, deepen their experience and sharpen their skills so they can maximize their impact on advancing social justice in their communities and professional spheres.

Conceived and shaped with the thoughtful input of scores of Eisenhower Fellows, this program embodies the justice pillar that is a bedrock of our mission. The USA Justice Program focuses on mid-career professionals leading change in the fields of race relations, law enforcement and criminal justice reform, health care, economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, access to digital technology, educational opportunity and civic participation, among others.

This program is a multi-year initiative that seeks to engage these Fellows after completion of their fellowship experience with our influential global network of leaders through future EF events and activities. The goal is to mainstream their work to advance social justice as a core dimension of the Eisenhower Fellowships mission in a long-term, sustainable way, much as the organization has done in recent years with women’s leadership, an area of renewed emphasis now woven into the fabric of everything we do.

Eisenhower Fellowships is seeking multi-year financial support for this innovative program. If you are interested in investing in this initiative, please contact Carla Ricci, Head of Institutional Advancement, at or 215-965-1971.

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