Nurhati Tangging is a project ambassador facilitator for the Peace Education Program of Carl E. Balita Review Center, and believes that communities must be empowered through their own resources to help prevent violent extremism. Together with her colleagues in the Basilan Young Leaders Program, she also started the ‘STANBY’ project, an initiative teaching at-risk youth entrepreneurial skills to use in the workforce. She and her team implemented a youth driven community service organization in Basilan, providing a communal organic vegetable and herb garden for the livelihood of farmers. Tangging believes through leadership development programs, youth develop higher levels of critical thinking about their communities, preparing them to plan and implement projects to improve their communities. Tangging was a Philippine delegate on the 46th Ship for the South East Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP 46), visiting Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Myanmar and Malaysia.
“Through having programs such as leadership programs and other skill development activities for the youth, enhancement of skills and higher level of critical thinking about their communities is possible. Connections / networking is a huge help for future accomplishments as they may establish an organization with the same goal. Unity is built. Early training for young individuals and a proper mindset is a good start to have better employment opportunities in the future. Early exposure will prepare them to plan and implement project. Investing in young people will never be a bad decision.”
Nurhati Tangging’s project was to lead a small team to a rural area to profile members of the Abu Sayyaf Group who had recently surrendered and wanted to be reintegrated into society. Her team worked with local villagers to help plant seeds and encourage the community to come together to assist with the reintegration efforts. Tangging’s report details the considerable efforts and achievements her group has made.
Nurhati Tangging Project Report