UK 2020
With her own migrant experience at the forefront, Chrisann Jarrett founded Let Us Learn, a non-profit organization challenging the laws which prevent young migrants from accessing student finance to attend university in the UK. After studying law at the London School of Economics, she worked with lawyers successfully providing evidence to the Supreme Court that these laws were discriminatory and has since spoken at the United Nations on the topic of mainstreaming youth migration into development policies. From just three volunteers in 2015, Let Us Learn has grown to an organization of 1,200 members, and Jarrett has now co-founded a stand-alone organization, We Belong, advocating for equal access to education for young migrants, systemic changes to UK immigration policies, along with a leadership academy to continue youth development.
“It’s important to be amongst other young leaders who have dynamic approaches to leadership and solving the world’s problems. Becoming a Youth Leader will allow me to be a part of a community of young change agents, allowing me to listen to other perspectives and understand my leadership style.”