Colombia 2020
An international marketing and logistics administrator from the University of La Sabana, Laura de Rosa is also vice-curator at the Cartagena Hub of Global Shapers. After learning that 31% of Cartagena’s population between the ages of 15 and 24 are not enrolled in full-time education or employed, the Global Shapers Community created BOSKE, a leadership incubator, building and strengthening leadership and entrepreneurship capabilities in local young people. De Rosa is also the youth coordinator at the Cartagena Chamber of Commerce, helping to empower young people and strengthen their skills to they can execute projects within their own communities.
“I am pleased to be an EF Youth Leader because young people are responsible for the positive changes that this world needs, and being in a privileged position where we can be part of the decision making is the principal step to make those changes. I am passionate about improving my community conditions by learning from different projects and processes that other young leaders are doing right now.”