Rishma Vora

Rishma Vora, is a 2023 graduate of Georgetown University where she earned a Bachelor’s in Science degree in Foreign Service. As an undergraduate she founded Guzaarish (Urdu for hope, wish or desire), a Bollywood-fusion dance team that has excelled in national competitions and performed at Vice President Kamala Harris’ Diwali party in 2022. In a curriculum that included studies in theology, philosophy and political theory, she was most passionate about courses on human rights, migration and humanitarian crises. She has interned at the U.S. Department of State in the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and earned a fellowship with the Geneva Centre on Security Policy. On her Eisenhower Global Scholarship at IE University in Madrid, she studied for a master’s degree in international relations and explored the lesser-known flipside of forced migration. Some issues, such as climate change, pose an imminent threat to families and forces them to flee. Other families leave their home countries voluntarily seeking better educational and economic opportunities. How should policymakers respond and provide protection for the “trapped populations” facing climate disasters who are simply unable to move?

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